Friday, November 23, 2007

Friday November 23

Howdy everybody, I just said good bye to my neighbors who went home today. I haven't had any heart rate drops so I'm working on day 5 today. Doc says that I can go home Monday if I don't have anymore this weekend. I am up to 4 lbs 10.8 oz which is over my birth weight.


Lile said...

Keep on growing, Gregg!! I can't believe that you only eat every 4 hours--and 4 lbs. 10.8 oz??? WOW!!

Allison said...

Way to go! I know your momma and daddy can't wait to get you home:) I love you, Auntie Allie

P.S. Anna I mailed you a diaper bag today!

DJLG said...

We love to keep up with you on your very own blog, Baby Gregg! Keep up the good work tough guy! We can tell how much your mommy and daddy love you already and know you're going to be such a happy little family! All our love, Lauren, Sam and Britt xoxoxo

Aunt Ellen said...

You are so beautiful Gregg. (I know boys don't like to hear that) but there is no other way to express my feelings. Give Mommy and Daddy a big hug!
I love you.