Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sunday November 18, 2007

I have been in St. Vincent's for 6 days now. I was on a heated table but have been moved to an isolete to help me maintain my body temperature. I'm going to try to sleep in a crib today to see if I can maintain my body temperature on my own. I have been eating well and maybe I can get some fat on my body like my daddy so I can keep my temperature. I love when Mommy and Daddy come to feed me, clean my poop and hold me. I have had lots of visitors and once I'm in my crib my grand parents can hold me. I have been dropping my heart rate below 80 BPM a few times a day and the doctors won't let me go home until I don't do this for 8 straight days. My nervous system is not ready so I have to keep growing. I tried real hard yesterday and only let it drop once in 24 hours. So if I can hold off for 8 days I will be at home with my cats and dog so mommy and daddy can clean my poop at home.

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