Friday, May 30, 2008

Hangin' in the johnny jump-up...

Gregg has one tooth on the bottom and a second one coming in right next to it!! Poor kid...I never knew that teething could be so uncomfortable. Sometimes I'm afraid that he is going to chew his fingers off! I've tried all kinds of teethers, a frozen rag, etc. but the tool of choice seems to be his hands.
We were just hanging out today and I decided to take some video. He is so much fun these days...just a sweetheart. It's amazing how fast he's growing. Sorry the video clips are always so short (and pointless)...but it takes forever to upload a 30 sec clip and it's not very easy to get a 6 month old to show off his tricks on command! But I think that you can get a good idea of how stinkin' cute he is!
love, Anna

1 comment:

Peyton said...

You're right....stinkin' cute as pie!!