Sunday, March 30, 2008

Christmas Videos

Kate with Gregg

Lawson with Gregg

Mac, Kate, and Gregg

These videos are from this past Christmas...I can't believe I used to be so little! My nieces and nephews are so sweet!! The only one we're missing is Jackson...gotta get some video of him to add on here:)


Allison said...

i miss y'all! I hope your trip back home wasn't too bad! Mac thanked God for baby Gregg last night in his prayers:) I love you and I SOOOOOo enjoyed y'all being here:)

Peyton said...

These children are all precious!!! How lucky are they to all have each other to grow up with!! Thanks for the sweet thank you note. If you get a chance get a picture of the little man in his gown and email it to me!! love you and miss you!!!